Wednesday, July 6, 2011

So You Think You Can Dance Week 3

So after a lack-luster second week, where I was horrified and upset about Iveta and Nick being sent home (both one of a kind in their genre- what were the judges thinking? Especially after Iveta had been trying to get on the program for three or four years), I was hoping last week's episode wasn't going to be the same.
I must say I'm getting a little sick about hearnig how fabulous and beast-like the girls are this year. You're completely passing over the talents of Jess, Tadd (my favorite guy this year), and Marko.
Impressions this week:
*I didn't really care for either of the group numbers. The concepts were cool, but I don't think they were executed by all dancers as well as they could have been.
*Sasha and Alexander: It is clear which person people are voting for in this couple: Sasha. If the judges are thinking of beasts, Sasha is the prima beast. her every move, transition, and emotion is pure and raw. I feel what she's feeling. I can't say the same about Alexander, who I agree with Nigel has some room for improvement with regards to emotion. My favorite part of this routine was the end, where her hands come out of the piano. Genius.
* Caitlynn and Mitchell: All I could think about during this routine was how much Iveta would have killed it! I also commented several times about Mitchell's rear- he's got quite the bottom on him, which he moved well in the samba! This was a good routine, and I was surprised that they ended up in the bottom three couples. It had a current artist and song, and I always thought that people tended to vote for these types of dances (rather than the foxtrot. I'll talk about that soon.)
*Miranda and Robert: I wasn't disappointed to see Miranda go, but voting Robert off was a huge mistake. Just because he's been in the bottom several times doesn't mean that he's the cause of it- I think Miranda was. Can we talk about how Miranda needs to get better, non-loungerie costumes? It's like she's doing a strip show each time. Anyway. Here again the concept was good, but I really didn't believe either fully embodied the characters. The dancing itself was ok, but it wasn't a routine that I loved.
*Melanie and Marko: My favorite routine of the evening! Loved it. Was Marko truly crying, even after the routine ended? The kiss was just an added touch too. Glad to see NappyTabs back since I didn't think they were in an awful lot of episodes last year. It got a little silly and out of control when Nigel kissed Mary, but it was all in good fun.
*Ashley and Chris: Ugh. Worst routine of the evening. This is one that you can't blame on the dancers however. Sonya is just whack. I don't know if I've ever really liked one of her routines- they're just too weird. And if I see another round-off that ends on the floor, I'm going to scream!!! The music was weird, the dancing was weird, the concept was weird. Not surprised Chris and Ashley ended up in the bottom, but I thought it was going to be Chris that went home, not Robert.
*Jess and Clarice: Can I say how awkward I feel every time I see them dance together? Does anyone else feel the same? And it's not from Jess that I feel that coming from, it's Clarice. I feel like she's oozing "I can't stand you, I don't like you" vibes every time they dance. I was completely surprised that having done a foxtrot, which is not a "popular" dance, they did not end up in the bottom three. It was old-fashioned and I was surprised modern audiences "got it". Does the average 11 year old even know who Frank Sinatra is?
*Ricky and Ryan: Ryan had been one of my favorite girl dancers at the beginning of the season, but she needs to do something about her facial expressions when she's dancing! It seems like every time she's dancing, no matter the subject, she's smiling! This routine was clearly not a smiling routine. I loved the concept, and wanted it to work for Sonya, but it just wasn't as deep or emotional as some as the other routines we've seen on SYTYCD (remember the breast cancer routine? Or even last week, the soldier coming home routine?).
*Tadd and Jordan: What a fun routine. I couldn't believe that with all of Jordan's sexiness when dancing, that she was embarrassed to perform this routine. Tadd clearly stole the attention away from Jordan- as he should because he's a b-boy and hip-hop is close.
Let's see what transpires tonight!
Dr. Tina Boucher, Dance Podiatrist

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